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Dylan Lau

Hey, My name is Dylan Lau

A Computer Science Student Focusing on Machine Learning

About Me

I'm Dylan Lau, an undergraduate computer science student attending California Baptist University. I began familiarizing myself with computer science and game development in 2014 and soon became driven to pursue software as my future.

I have practice working with video game development, machine learning, and full-stack development. Over the years, I have utilized Unity and C# to build numerous projects, such as iOS mobile games, PC games, and other unique projects. I also have experience with machine learning, using technologies such as Scikit-Learn and Tensorflow to train and test machine learning and deep learning models. Recently, I gained experience in full-stack web development and deployment using the MERN stack.


My Skills

Object-Oriented Principles
Git & GitHub


Software Screenshot


Blowgun is a casual iOS game. In this game, the user blows bubbles from a wand at obstacles to clear a path. As the levels increase, the types of obstacles become harder to clear. This app was created using Unity, C#, and Blender.

Software Screenshot

EGC Spaceflight

EGC Spaceflight is a semi-endless runner browser game that takes place on various planets where the player must dodge obstacles and zap enemies. The better the player's performance is, the faster their character runs, until they begin to orbit and eventually take off into space. This app was created using Unity, C#, HTML, CSS, and GitHub Pages.

This is a browser game, created as an entry for a contest held by the EverGrowCoin team (Note: EverGrowCoin is a cryptocurrency token). After competing with 100+ entries, my browser game won 2nd Place.

Software Screenshot

The Latex Liquidator

In The Latex Liquidator, the player protects two briefcases from incoming water balloons by moving and firing needles from a tank. With each wave, balloons become harder to pop, but when popped, they drop coins that can be used to buy upgrades. This app was created using Unity and C#.

I created this video game with a group of peers for a project at California Baptist University. After completing development, my team and I presented it at STEP to inspire middle school students to pursue engineering. Additionally, we presented the game at two public events held on campus.

Software Screenshot

Scheduler Web App

This is a full-stack web application that allows the user to create a list of tasks containing optional due dates and tags for each item. Tasks can be filtered by tag and sorted by the due date or date created. Tasks can be edited, checked as completed, and deleted.

The app was built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node). The API server is deployed to Heroku, the database is stored in MongoDB Atlas, and the web page is deployed to GitHub Pages.

Software Screenshot

Obstacle Course Navigation AI

In this project, an obstacle course is presented to a population of forward-moving neural networks. With each generation, the neural networks attempt to navigate the course until colliding with a wall. Fitness of the networks is determined by their ability to avoid walls, and this fitness value is applied to a genetic algorithm to generate the next generation. This project was created using Unity and C#.

Software Screenshot

Dog Breed Classifier

This dog breed classifier is an AI that takes an image of any dog and predicts its breed. The AI applied transfer learning from a Convolutional Neural Network on TensorflowHub. It then trained with a dataset of labeled dog images from Kaggle. This project was created in Google Colab using Python, and Tensorflow

Software Screenshot

Dolly Zoom Visual Effect

This project is a dolly zoom visual effect that locates an individuals face, using facial recognition, and focuses in on the bounding box surrounding their face. The camera zooms to keep the user's face at a constant width. As the user walks toward or away from the camera, their face will appear to stay the same size while their surroundings shrink or grow, similar to a dolly zoom camera. This project was created using Python, OpenCV, and other image manipulation libraries.

Software Screenshot

ASCII Visual Effect

This project takes images and live video camera and applies an ASCII visual effect. The font size of the ASCII characters can be adjusted as desired. This project can also take an image and output a text file of the ASCII characters after processing. This project was created using Python, OpenCV, and other image manipulation libraries.

Software Screenshot

Mile Keeper

Mile Keeper is an iOS app that allows the user to track work miles and work-related automobile expenses. This is a project I created for myself because I worked for DoorDash and needed a way to track my miles and gas expenses without using software with monthly subscription costs. The app was created in XCode using Swift.

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